
 Kitchen Garden Calendar:


Winter. What to grow?

Well February along with January is normally one of our coldest two months and is most often used for preparing the garden and getting everything ready for the forthcoming growing season. Yet there is a tremendous amount of vegetables that you can start growing this month such as onions, tomatoes, cucumber, potatoes and celery to name but a few!

January and February are an ideal time to get Asparagus beds fully prepared although personally I have yet to take on the challenge of growing asparagus as it can be a labour of love with results not seen for two years, and hence asparagus requires a lot of tender loving care along the way. However you can now start growing asparagus, peas undercover indoors or in a heated greenhouse or propagator so that they will be ready to plant out in late spring.

Another more unusual and exotic crop to consider is growing aubergines. Growing your own aubergines can be very rewarding and save you a fortune of you buy a lot in the shops. You can plant aubergine seeds indoors now to get them ready for a Summer crop. I tried these last year and was too late putting them in, so if you are reading this in February get planting some aubergine seeds right now, and do not leave it until April/May like I did otherwise your aubergine crop will not be ready in time for Summer.

Herbs can be set growing at any time of year although February is a good time to start off growing basil.

You can also start growing celery and celeriac indoors from seed if you have not done so in Janurary. The same also applies to starting growing onions from seed, which should be planted now if you have not done so in January.

For early crops you can start growing brassicas such as brussel sprouts, cauliflowers and summer cabbages in doors or in a heated propagator. Leeks are also a vegetable that you can start growing now under cover as they have a very long growing season.

Depending on the climate where you live you can start growing tomato plants indoors in heated propagators along with cucumber plants. Starting growing your tomatoes in February is a good idea to give a good early Summer crop.

You can now start growing beetroot and carrots under cloches. If you like peas and want an early crop then they can also be sown under cloches, although ensure you buy a frost resistant variety for best results.

If you like salad crops then growing lettuce and spring onions can be done under cloches, and you can start off peppers off indoors or growing in a heated greenhouse.

Lastly make sure that you have your first early potatoes already ‘chitting’ on a warm, dry windowsill.

How to Eat Seasonally?

Fruit  Vegetables  Meat  Fish
Apples (Bramley)


Kiwi fruit 



Passion fruit 



Brussel sprouts








Purple sprouting broccoli 













What to grow?

  1. LEARN TO GROW FRESH FRUIT & VEGYFirm the ground around plants lifted by frost
  2. Clear remaining dead tops of plants
  3. Dress beds for annuals with bone-meal and sow indoors half-hardy annuals
  4. Protect your pool from ice and remove weeds from bog gardens
  5. Cut bach overgrown hedges towards the end of the month
  6. Sow peas and beans, and start sprouting potatoes
  7. Plant out your containers with trees or shrubs

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